Default Code for Java​
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.*;
// This initial code is well commented and serves as a small tutorial for game
// APIs, for more information you can refer to the documentation
// This is the function player has to fill
// You can define any new functions here that you want
public class Run {
// Lets say I want to spawn an attacker of each of the type in one turn
// and I want to use the Helpers.getAllValidSpawnPositions list as well. In
// order to keep track of the last index in the list that we spawned at, we can
// use a private variable. We'll initialize it in the constructor for this
// class. This class is only instantiated once so it's safe to use a private
// variable.
private int lastSpawned;
public Run() {
this.lastSpawned = 0;
public Game run(State state) {
// Always start by instantiating a Game class object
Game game = new Game();
int remainingCoins = state.getCoinsLeft();
game.log("TURN " + state.getTurnNo() + " LOGS:");
// Get all the attackers and defenders in the game and store it
List<Attacker> attackers = state.getAttackers();
List<Defender> defenders = state.getDefenders();
// The function get_all_valid_spawn_positions() is a helper which will give us
// the list of valid spawn positions in map.
// If the position we're spawning is not one of these, the player will be
// penalized by deducting the spawn cost but not spawning the attacker
// The Helpers.getAllValidSpawnPositions() function
// returns a Set<Position>, if we want to index on it,
// we must convert to an indexable collection
List<Position> allValidSpawnPositons = new ArrayList<Position>(Helpers.getAllValidSpawnPositions());
// If there's no defenders left,we can stop spawning and save up on coins,
// which are important for boosting game score
if (!defenders.isEmpty()) {
for (int typeId = 1; typeId <= Constants.NO_OF_ATTACKER_TYPES; typeId++) {
// Spawn the attacker of typeId at position
// allValidSpawnPositions[last_spawned]
// There are two cases when you might be panalized
// - Spawning at invalid position
// - Spawning at position where you have already spawned one attacker
// in the same turn
// We have provided helpers to check just that
// game class will keep track of all your spawned positions for you and
// provides a helper method called already_spawned_at_position(Position)
// to check if you already spawned in the position
// Mostly a good practice to check with these two helpers before spawning,
// to save up on accidental penalties
if (Helpers.isValidSpawnPosition(allValidSpawnPositons.get(lastSpawned)) &&
allValidSpawnPositons.get(lastSpawned))) {
// If lets say you had run out of coins left, the game will just ignore
// the spawn
game.spawnAttacker(typeId, allValidSpawnPositons.get(lastSpawned));
// This has the starting attributes for the attacker we are about to
// spawn
// For full information about the Attributes class refer the
// documentation
// This information can be used for strategizing
Attributes attackersAttributes = Constants.ATTACKER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES.get(typeId);
Position pos = allValidSpawnPositons.get(lastSpawned);
game.log(String.format("To be spawned at Position(%d,%d)\n", pos.getX(), pos.getY()));
lastSpawned += 1;
lastSpawned %= allValidSpawnPositons.size();
// Now lets say you always want to set the target for the attackers[0] to
// defenders[0]
// To do that you do
if (!attackers.isEmpty() && !defenders.isEmpty()) {
// check if they are empty beforehand to be safe from unexpected errors
game.setTarget(attackers.get(0).getId(), defenders.get(0).getId());
//lets say i want to activate the ability of the first attacker
//check if ability wasnt activated before to avoid getting penalized
if (!Game.already_activated_attacker_ids.contains(attackers.get(0).getId())) {
// Lets log all the spawned positions for this turn
for (var entry : game.getSpawnPositions()) {
game.log(String.format("Type %d at Position(%d, %d)",
entry.getTypeId(), entry.getPos().getX(),
// always return the game object
return game;